Wie bekannt wurde, ist am Montag in Teheran eine weitere Frau gesteinigt worden. Sie war beschuldigt worden, Pornovideos gespielt zu haben. Damit ist laut Mina Ahadi, der Koordinatorin des internationalen Komitees gegen Steinigung, ein Präzedenzfall geschaffen worden: "Bislang ging es bei den Anschuldigungen um Vorwürfe des Ehebruchs, nun werden offenbar die Anschuldigungen auch auf weitere (nichtige) Vorwürfe ausgeweitet." Ahadi ruft dazu auf, Protest-Mails an den Präsidenten der islamischen Republik Iran, Mohammed Khatami, zu senden (Beispiel s. unten): khatami@president.ir Kopie bitte an minaahadi@aol.com The Criminal Regime of Iran Stoned Another Woman to Death According to the Iranian press, including the daily newspaper Entekhab and some Persian radio stations, a woman was stoned to death at the infamous Evin prison in Tehran on Monday 21 May. She had been in prison for several years, accused of playing in pornographic films and having sexual relationships outside marriage. Her stoning to death in Evin prison means that only the regime's security forces and prison guards were involved in this vile act of torturing and execution. Stoning to death is part of a government that belongs to the dark ages. So far, the Islamic regime has killed hundreds of women and some men for having sex outside of marriage and for the transgression of 'honour'. The interference of religion in the most private aspects of human life is the reason for all these killings. This cruelty is happening in the 21st century and in front of our eyes. It must not be tolerated. The International Committee against stoning strongly condemns the Islamic government of Iran and calls for strict and effective international action against this government. The modern contemporary human being must not allow such atrocities to occur in any part of the world. We must not let them to stone Maryam Ayoobi, Shahla and many other who are waiting in death cells. The Iranian government must know that it will be held accountable for its horrific deeds. They must know that there is a strong international movement to stop them. (red)