Gordana Dostanic, the Director of the Belgrade Stock Exchange (BSE) and Michael Buhl, the President of the Vienna Stock Exchange signed yesterday a contract for creating and using of a stock exchange index which would monitor the value of the eight most liquid companies, the shares of which have been traded in at the BSE for a minimum of six months.

The index will be calculated in US dollars, euros and dinars. The SRX index of Serbian shares will be calculated for Komercijalna Banka, AIK Banka, Agrobanka, Metals Banka, Univerzal Banka, Energoprojekt Holding, Privredna Banka and Soja Protein, it would represent an indication of the trend in prices and would be taken over by Reuters and Bloomberg brokerage houses, which would forward it to their clients.

Dostanic said that the SRX index was created to allow for the trade with other markets and stock exchanges and that it is realistic to expect that the use of this index would effect an increase in liquidity not only of the BSE, but the Serbian capital market in general. She added that the cooperation with the Vienna Stock Exchange also gives the BSE a chance to acquire new experiences and expertise in developing stock market operations, marketing and sales.