Reasons Bill Gates stepped down as Microsoft CEO:
  • 10. Figured it was Ballmer's turn to pretend not to understand the Justice Department's questions.

  • 9. The cross-house commute from his bedroom to his home office had become too exhausting.

  • 8. Steve Case doesn't have to be CEO anymore and gets to be the visionary -- why can't I?

  • 7. Got sick of having to deal with random, stupid people all day.

  • 6. Got addicted to day-trading Internet stocks.

  • 5. Time to go back to Harvard and finish his B.A.

  • 4. Realized the only way all the bugs in Windows would ever get fixed is if he did it himself.

  • 3. Wanted to find complete T.rex skeleton before Nathan Myhrvold did.

  • 2. Needed more time to learn Linux.

  • 1. He's the richest man in the world and he can do whatever he damn well pleases.

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